File: <UNRUH.PUB> -- Publications of Thomas R. Unruh [Additional references may be found at: MELVYL Library] Agusti, N., Unruh, T.R., Welter, S.C.
2003. Detecting Cacopsylla pyricola (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in predator
guts using CO1 mitochondrial markers.
Bulletin of Entomological Research. 93:179-185. Abstract Anthony N.,
T.Unruh, D. Ganser, and Richard ffrench-Constant. 1998. Duplication of
the Rdl GABA receptor subunit gene in an insecticide resistant aphid, Myzus persicae. Molecular and General Genetics 260:165-175. 1998 Bajet, N., Unruh, T.R., Druffel, K., Eastwell, K.C. 2008.
Occurrence of Two Little Cherry Viruses in Sweet Cherry in Washington State.
Plant Disease Vol 92(2)234-238. Abstract Barcenas, N., Unruh, T.R., Neven, L.G. 2004. DNA-based
diagnostics for Lepidopteran pests of pome fruits. Western Orchard Pest and
Disease Management Conference. p.35.
Abstract Barcenas, N.M., Unruh, T.R., Neven, L.G. 2005. Dna diagnostics to
identify internal fruit feeders (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) of pome fruits of
quarantine importance. Journal of Economic Entomology. 98(2):299-306. Abstract Cooper, W.R., Garczynski, S.F., Horton, D.R., Unruh, T.R., Beers,
E., Shearer, P., Hilton, R. 2017. Bacterial endosymbionts of the psyllid Cacopsylla
pyricola in the Pacific Northwestern United States (Hemiptera:
Psyllidae). Environmental Entomology. 46:393-402. Abstract Cooper, W.R., Horton, D.R., Unruh, T.R., Garczynski, S.F. 2016.
Gut content analysis of a phloem-feeding insect, Bactericera cockerelli
(Sulc) (Hemiptera: Triozidae).
Environmental Entomology. 45:938-944.
Abstract Fuentes-Contreras, E., Figueroa,
C.C., Silva, A.X., Bacigalupe, L.D., Briones, L.M., Foster, S.P., Unruh, T.R.
2013. Survey of resistance to four insecticides and their associated
mechanisms in different genotypes of the green peach aphid (Hemiptera:
Aphididae) from Chile. Journal of Economic Entomology. 106:400-407. Abstract Garczynski, S.F., Coates, B.S., Unruh, T.R., Schaeffer, S.,
Jiwan, D., Koepke, T., Dhingra, A. 2013. Application of Cydia pomonella
expressed sequence tags: identification and expression of three general
odorant binding proteins in codling moth. Insect Science. 20(5):559-574. Abstract Garczynski, S.F., Unruh, T.R., Guedot, C.N., Neven, L.G. 2011.
Characterization of three transcripts encoding small heat shock proteins expressed
in the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Insect
Science. 18:473-483. DOI:10.1111/j.1744-7917.2011.01401.x. Abstract Garczynski, S.F., Wanner, K., Unruh, T.R. 2011. Identification
and initial characterization of the 3' end of gene transcripts encoding
putative members of the pheromone receptor sub-family in Lepidoptera. Insect
Science. 19:64-74. Abstract Horton, D. R.,
T. R. Unruh, and B.S. Higbee.
1997. Predatory bugs for
biological control of pear psylla. Good Fruit Grower, August 1997: 29-32. Horton, D.R., Jones, V.P., Unruh, T.R. 2009. Use of a New
Immunomarking Method to Assess Movement by Generalist Predators Between a
Cover Crop and Tree Canopy in a Pear Orchard. American Entomologist. Vol
55(1):49-56. Abstract Horton, D.R., Lewis, T.M., Garczynski, S.F., Thomsen Archer,
K.L., Unruh, T.R. 2016. Morphological and genetic reappraisal of the Orius
fauna of the western United States (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae).
Annals of the Entomological Society of America. doi:
10.1093/aesa/sav155. Abstract
Horton, D.R., Miliczky, E., Jones, V.P., Baker, C.C., Unruh, T.R.
2012. Diversity and phenology of the generalist predator community in apple
orchards of Central Washington State (insecta, araneae). The Canadian
Entomologist. 144:691-710. Abstract Horton, D.R., Unruh, T.R. 2007. Pear Insects: Ecology and
Control. Encyclopedia of Pest Management, 1:1, 1-4. URL:
Abstract Jones, V., Unruh, T.R., Horton, D.R., Mills, N., Brunner, J.,
Beers, E., Shearer, P. 2009. Tree fruit IPM programs in the western United
States: the challenge of enhancing biological control through intensive
management. Pest Management Science. 65:1305-1310. Abstract Jones, V.P., Horton, D.R., Mills, N.J., Unruh, T.R., Baker, C.C.,
Melton, T.D., Miliczky, E., Steffan, S.A., Shearer, P.W., Amarasekare, K.G. 2015.
Evaluating plant volatiles for monitoring natural enemies in apple, pear and
walnut orchards. Biological Ctrol. 102:53-65. doi:
10.1016/j.biocontrol.2015.03.009. Abstract Jones, V.P., Mills, N.J., Brunner, J.F., Horton, D.R., Beers,
E.H., Unruh, T.R., Shearer, P.W., Goldberger, J.R., Castagnoli, S., Lehrer,
N., Miliczky, E., Steffan, S.A., Amarasakare, K.G., Chambers, U., et al.
2016. From planning to execution to the future: An overview of a concerted
effort to enhance biological control in apple, pear, and walnut orchards in
the western U.S. Biological Control. 102:1-6. doi:
10.1016/j.biocontrol.2016.03.013. Abstract Jones, V.P., Unruh, T.R., Horton, D.R., Brunner, J.F. 2006.
Improving Apple IPM by maximizing opportunities for biological control. Good
Fruit Grower. Dec. 2006, p. 1-8. Abstract Jumean, Z., Gries, R., Unruh, T.R., Rowland, E., Gries, G. 2005.
Identification of the larval aggregation pheromone of codling moth, Cydia
pomonella. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 31(4):911-924. Abstract Jumean, Z., Unruh, T.R., Gries, R., Gries, G. 2005. Mastrus
ridibundus parasitoids eavesdrop on cocoon-spinning codling moth, Cydia
pomonella, larvae. Naturwissenschaften. 92: 20-25. Abstract Knight, A.L., Christianson Jr, B.A., Unruh, T.R., Puterka, G.J.,
Glenn, D.M. 2001. Impacts of seasonal kaolin particle films on apple pest
management. The Canadian Entomologist. 133:413-428. Abstract Knight, A.L., Unruh, T.R., Christianson Jr, B.A., Puterka, G.J.,
Glenn, D.M. 2000. Effects of a kaolin-based particle film on the
obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris),
(Lepidoptera:Tortricidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 93:744-749. Abstract Lacey, L. A.
& T. R. Unruh. 1998. Entomopathogenic Nematodes for Control of
Codling Moth: Effect of Nematode Species, Dosage, and Temperature. Biological Control 13: 190-197 Lacey, L.A., Arthurs, S.P., Unruh, T.R., Headrick, H.L., Fritts,
R. 2006. Entomopathogenic nematodes for control of codling moth (Lepidoptera:
Tortricidae) in apple and pear orchards: Effect of nematode species and
seasonal temperatures, adjuvants, application equipment and post-application
irrigation. Biological Control. 37:214-223.
Abstract Lacey, L.A., Unruh, T.R. 2001. Use of insect pathogens for
control of codling moth and other Lepidopteran pests of apple in the Pacific
Northwest of the United States. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management
Conference. p. 47. Abstract Lacey, L.A., Unruh, T.R. 2007. Biological control of codling moth
(cydia pomonella, tortricidae: lepidoptera) and its role in integrated pest
management, with emphasis on entomopathogens. Vedalia 12:33-60. Abstract Lacey, L.A., Unruh, T.R., Headrick, H.L. 2003. Interactions of
two idiobiont parasitoids (Hymenoptera:Ichneumonidae) of codling moth
(Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) with entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae
(Rhabditida:Steinernematidae). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology.
83:230-239. Abstract Lacey, L.A., Unruh, T.R., Simkins, H., Thomsen Archer, K.L. 2007.
Gut bacteria of the Pacific coast wireworm, Limonius canus, inferred from 16s
rDNA sequences and their implications for control. Phytoparasitica. 35:479-489. Abstract Landolt, P.J., Monzon Sierra, J.,
Unruh, T.R., Zack, R. 2010. A New Species of Vespula, and First
Record of Vespa crabro L. (Hymenoptera:Vespidae) from Guatemala, Central
America. Zootaxa 2629:61-68. Abstract Mills, N.J., Jones, V.P., Baker, C.C., Melton, T.D., Steffan,
S.A., Unruh, T.R., Horton, D.R., Shearer, P.W., Amarasekare, K.G., Miliczky,
E. 2016. Using plant volatile traps to estimate the diversity of natural
enemy communities in orchard ecosystems. Biological Control. 102:66-76. doi:
10.1016/j.biocontrol.2016.05.001. Abstract Murphy, K.A., Unruh, T.R., Zalom, F.G., Shearer, P.W., Beers,
E.H., Chiu, J.C. 2015. Using comparative genomics to develop a molecular
diagnosis for the identification of an emerging pest Drosophila suzukii.
Bulletin of Entomological Research. 105(3):364-372. Abstract Pfannenstiel, R.S., Mackey, B.E., Unruh, T.R. 2012. Leafroller
parasitism across an orchard landscape in central Washington and effect of
neighboring rose habitats on parasitism. Biological Control. 62:152-161. Abstract Pfannenstiel, R.S., Unruh, T.R. 2000. Landscape affects
leafroller parasitism. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management
Conference. p.35. Abstract Pfannenstiel, R.S., Unruh, T.R. 2003. Conservation of leafroller
parasitoids through provision of alternate hosts in near-orchards habitats.
International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods. USDA Forst
Service Pub. FHTET-03-05. p. 256-262. Abstract Pfannenstiel, R.S., Unruh, T.R.,
Brunner, J.F. 1999. Biological control of leafrollers: prospects using habitat
manipulation. Washington State Horticulture Association Proceedings. 95:145-149. Abstract Pfannenstiel, R.S., Unruh, T.R.,
Brunner, J.F. 2010. Overwintering hosts for the exotic leafroller parasitoid, Colpoclypeus
florus: Implications for habitat manipulation to augment biological control
of leafrollers in pome fruits. Journal of Insect Science. 10:Article 75. Abstract Schmidt, R.A., Beers, E.H., Unruh, T.R., Horton, D.R. 2013.
Releases of insectary-reared Galendromus occidentalis (Acari: Phytoseiidae)
in commercial apple orchards. Journal of Economic Entomology.
106(5):1996-2005. Abstract Unruh, T. R and
J. B. Woolley. 1999. Molecular methods in classical biological
control. Chapter 4 In Principles and
Application of Biological Control. T.
W. Fisher et. al (ed.), U.C.Press (in
press).1999. Unruh, T. R. & R. D. Goeden. 1987.
Electrophoresis helps identify which race of the introduced weevil Rhinocyllus conicus (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae) has transferred to two native southern California
thistles. Environ. Ent. 16: 979-83. Unruh, T. R. ,
M. J. Bush, and A. L. Knight. 1996.
Green peach aphid resistance to endosulfan in peach and
nectarine. J. Econ.
Ent. 89:1067-1073. 1996 Unruh, T. R., G. Gordh & D. Gonzalez. 1984. Electrophoretic studies on parasitic Hymenoptera
and implications for biological control.
Proc. Inter. Congr. Ent. 17:
705. Unruh, T. R., W.
White, D. Gonzalez & R. F. Luck.
1986. Electrophoretic studies
of parasitic Hymenoptera and implications for biological control. In: R. S. Patterson & D. A. Rutz (eds.),
Biological Control of Muscoid Flies.
Misc. Publ. Ent. Soc. Amer. 61:
150-63. Unruh, T. R., W.
White, D. Gonzalez, G. Gordh & R. F. Luck. 1983. Heterozygosity
and effective size in laboratory populations of Aphidius ervi
(Hym.: Aphidiidae). Entomophaga 28: 245-58. Unruh, T., W.
White, D. Gonzalez & J. Woolley.
1989. Genetic relationships
among 17 Aphidius
populations including six species. Ann. Ent. Soc.
Amer. 82: 754-68. Unruh, T.R.
1995. Book Review: Parasitoids: Behavioral and
Evolutionary Ecology by H.C.J. Godfray.
Environmental Entomology 24:483. 1995. Unruh, T.R. 1998a. From Russia with Love: New Predators and
Parasites for control of tree fruit insect pests. Proc. Wash Hort Assoc. 94. Unruh, T.R.
1998b. Book Review: 1999.
To Make a Spotless Orange: Biological Control in California. Richard C. Sawyer. Environmental Entomology. (In press) Unruh, T.R. 1999. Does IPM need areawide pest biology and
landscape ecology? Washington State Horticulture Association Proceedings. p.
169-173. Abstract Unruh, T.R. 2000. Codling moth biological and cultural control:
I. Tree banding. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference.
p.37. Abstract Unruh, T.R. 2000. Codling moth biological and cultural control:
II. Parasites and parasitism. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management
Conference. p.39. Abstract Unruh, T.R. 2000. Pear IPM research needs: leaves to landscapes.
Good Fruit Grower. p. 19-20. Abstract Unruh, T.R. 2000. Presence-absence sampling prospects for pear
psylla. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference. p.3. Abstract Unruh, T.R. 2003. Habitat manipulation to increase parasitism of
leafrollers and codling moth. Washington State Horticulture Association
Proceedings. p.125-127. Abstract Unruh, T.R. 2003. Rose plantings increase leafroller parasitism
in orchards: a story for the Rose City. Western Orchard Pest and Disease
Management Conference. p.24-26. Abstract Unruh, T.R. 2004. Leafroller biocontrol enhanced near rose and
strawberry gardens: an update. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management
Conference. p.20. Abstract Unruh, T.R. 2008. Movement of winged aphids is poorly understood
despite its importance in disease vectoring in Washington potatoes.
Proceedings of the 47th Annual Washington State Potato Conference, Feb 5-7,
2008, Moses Lake, WA pp. 85-89. Abstract Unruh, T.R. and
B. S. Higbee. 1994. Release of laboratory reared predators of
pear psylla demonstrates their importance in pest suppression. In: G. Briolini ed T X Nguyen and D.
Verzone. [Ed].
Proceedings International Colloquium for
Integrated Control in Pear.
Bulletin International Organization for Biological and Integrated
Control (IOBC/SROP/WPRS): Vol17(2):
146-150. Unruh, T.R., Knight, A.L., Upton, J.E., Glenn, D.M., Puterka,
G.J. 2000. Particle films for suppression of the codling moth, Cydia
pomonella (L.), in apple and pear orchards. Journal of Economic Entomology.
93:737-743. Abstract Unruh, T.R., Lacey, L.A. 2001. Control of codling moth, Cydia
pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) with Steinernema carpocapsae: effects of
supplemental wetting and pupation site on infection rate. Biological Control.
20:48-56. Abstract Unruh, T.R., Lacey, L.A., Headrick, H.L., Pfannenstiel, R.S.
2012. The effect of the granulosis virus (PapyGV) on larval mortality and
feeding behavior of the Pandemis leafroller Pandemis pyrusana
(Kearfott)(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Biocontrol Science and Technology. 22:981-990. Abstract - Unruh, T.R., Pfannenstiel, R.S.,
Peters, C., Brunner, J., Jones, V.P. 2012. Parasitism of
leafrollers in Washington fruit orchards is enhanced by perimater plantings
of rose and strawberry. Biological Control. 62:162-172. Abstract Unruh, T.R., Short, R.E., Herard, F., Chen, K., Hopper, K.R.,
Pemberton, R.W., Lee, J.H., Ertle, L.R., Swan, K.S., Fuester, R.W. 2003.
Inroduction and establishment of parasitoids for the biological control of
the apple ermine moth, Yponomeuta malinellus (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae), in
the Pacific Northwest. Biological Control. 28:332-345. Abstract Unruh, T.R., Willett, L.S. 2008. Survey for Resistance to Four Inecticides
in Myzus persicae Clones from Peach and Weeds in South-central Washington.
Journal of Economic Entomology 101:1919-1929. Abstract Unruh, T.R., Yu, T., Willett, L.S., Garczynski, S.F., Horton,
the Entomological Society of America. 101(5):887-898. Abstract Yee, W.L., Chapman, P.S., Sheets, D., Unruh, T.R. 2009. Analysis
of Body Measurements and Wing Shape to Discriminate Rhagoletis pomonella and
Rhagoletis zephyria (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Washington state. Annals of the
Entomological Society of America. 102(6):1013-1028. Abstract |